Archive for December, 2007


Photo of the Week

December 17, 2007

This photo was taken in Ghana by Byron Flateland.

Photo of the Week Winner

Congratulations for winning the $10 gift certificate to Byron!

You can be a part of the contest as well by submitting any photos of your travels to


Flu Vaccine: Debunking the Myths & Objections

December 14, 2007

We’ve heard many people proclaim falsehoods about the flu shot and we try to keep people as informed as possible, apparently we aren’t the only ones trying to debunk myths about the flu vaccine. These myths are traveling like wild fire, mainly over the Internet and many people don’t research it thoroughly enough to get through the opinion that “vaccines are bad”.

According to Dr. Greg Poland, M.D., Director of the Mayo Vaccine Research Group, “I commonly hear people saying, ‘Vaccines are unnatural, and I’ll take my chances.’The bottom line is that the flu kills people, and the best way for you to protect yourself and your family is to get vaccinated.” He adds, “The disease kills nearly 3,600 people every week during the flu season.”

MSN has written an article about the 5 most common myths of the Flu Shot, and these are some of the reasons given as to why people refuse the flu vaccine. We wanted to share their article and address these myths as well:

Myth #1: You can get the Flu from the Flu Shot. The flu shot is an inactivated virus; therefore it uses no live virus for inoculation.

Myth #2: Flu vaccines can give you the Avian (Bird) Flu because it’s grown in eggs. There is absolutely no evidence rendering suggestion that this can happen. The flu vaccine is cultured in eggs, but the makers collect eggs long before the flu season and sterilize them before use, they also kill all the viruses. However, danger can arise with the flu vaccine when someone has an egg allergy.

Myth #3: Scientists don’t know what strains of flu will be circulating therefore can’t make an effective vaccine to protect. The vaccine offers protection against 3 virus strains each season, and vaccine makers can predict which strains will be troublesome almost a year in advance.

Myth #4: Healthy people don’t need a flu shot. While flu poses the most risk to those with weaker immune systems, like infants, the elderly or those with chronic illnesses, healthy individuals can prevent the transmission of flu to the rest of the population by getting vaccinated. The famous Spanish Flu outbreak was most effective at killing young, healthy adults during the early 1900’s.

Myth #5: The flu shot causes autism. When the theory was proposed that vaccines containing thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative) caused autism, large studies on the theory began. In all studies and research, the theory has been debunked, and no link between thimerosal and autism were found. Dr. John Iskander, M.D., Director of Vaccine Safety for the CDC says, “There’s no evidence of any association between vaccines or thimerosal and autism.”

Please read the full article here for more information on the flu shot vaccine and the myths associated with it.


Tips for Holiday Travel

December 7, 2007

Beginning prior to Thanksgiving and lasting through the New Year, we experience this annual phenomena of stress with traveling over the holidays. Denver International Airport(DIA) has some helpful tips to help lessen the stress involved with waiting in lines and going through security checks. They’ve also issued a press release giving more specific information about holiday travel. The press release is summarized here:

“It’s not a new message, but it’s even more applicable this year: If you’re flying this holiday season, be sure to allow plenty of time.

‘We’ve said it every year, and we’re saying it again this year,’ Dan Melfi, DIA’s holiday spokesperson, ‘Travelers should be in the airline check-in lines in the terminal at least 2 hours before their flights are to depart. Add an additional hour if you’re traveling internationally.’

A number of airlines offer self-service check-in kiosks that can save travelers some time. But those are generally for people traveling only with carry-on luggage. If you’re checking bags, you may still need to go to a ticket counter after using the kiosk. Also, the federal government says wait times for security screening are getting longer at DIA as well.

Even though new TSA carry-on restrictions have been in place for more than a year, some travelers are still confused. To remember the rules, just think “3-1-1”: 3 ounces or smaller containers of liquid or gel are allowed in carry-on luggage; 1 quart-sized clear, plastic, zip-top bag holding ALL of the 3-oz containers; 1 bag per traveler. You must take these bags out of your carry-on luggage and place it in a separate security bin for screening. Travel tips concerning security-screening – including a list of items that cannot be taken on the aircraft – are available at the TSA’s Website. Other travel suggestions from the airport include:

  • Check with your airline before leaving home to confirm that status of your flight.
  • Check-in online if possible. Checking bags at curbside may save time, but some airlines charge a small fee for this service.
  • Leave Christmas packages unwrapped. The TSA may open wrapped packages to see what’s inside.
  • Travelers are allowed only 1 carry-on bag and 1 personal item (purse, laptop, etc.), so check as much luggage as possible. Put medications and other required items in your carry-on bag.
  • Electronic signs and variable messages are also broadcast on DIA’s radio channel, 540AM. Detailed parking information and maps are available on the DIA website.
  • Parking or stopping along any airport roadway is illegal and dangerous, and violators are subject to towing and a fine.
  • The $9.00/day economy lots next to the terminal garages usually fill up first, followed by the $5.00/day shuttle lots. Allow an extra 20-30 minutes if you are using the Pikes Peak or Mt. Elbert shuttle lots.
  • All 13,000 of the airport’s garage spaces will be available during the holiday period. Curbside parking at Jeppesen Terminal is prohibited. If you’re picking up or dropping off passengers, the $2.00/hour garages are handy to park for a short time. The free 45-minute waiting area is also available near the former Access Plaza.
  • All vehicles, travelers and bags entering the airport are subject to random search.

Here are some helpful airport telephone numbers as you prepare to travel this holiday season:

Information on security-screening waiting times: 303-342-TIPS (8477)
Information on parking availability in airport lots: 303-342-PARK (7275)
Information on taxis, buses, shuttles & other transportation: 303-342-4059 or email

All of us here at Passport Health Colorado/Wyoming wish you safe & happy travels this 2007 holiday season!